Hi Everyone! I'm letting technology stress me out a bit. Doing my website, Ravelry, Twitter, my Blog, Facebook, texting...I've gotten out of control. I'm in the in-between generation where we didn't grow up with computers, but are adjusting quite nicely. It's not natural for me to constantly be figuring out how to do this and how to do that on the computer, Blackberry, T.V., ...blaa, blaa, blaa. I do it because it gets me to where I want to go. Except I'm still sitting here in my P.J.'s and really haven't gone anywhere today.
These little guys know how to live! I'm going to take some pointers from them and turn everything off today. Join me?
you're so cute susie! it's so true though! =)
your header looks adorable!!!!!
i hear you..... its overwhelming!!!!!
hope to see you all again soon.
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